The Homeopathic Symposium


Subscription Information

Subscriptions** (billed monthly, 50 points/case entered into your account):

With a yearly subscription you get one Interactive Video Case per month at $40.00 each.

This is a savings of $204 per year.

With a yearly subscription you get two Interactive Video Cases per month at $37.00 each.

This is a savings of $480 per year.

  • Additional cases for Practioners with Subscriptions

Pracitioners with a subscription may purchase an additional case in any month for $33.00. If you want to take advantage of this option, please contact our Customer Service.

With a yearly subscription you get one Interactive Video Case per month at $31.00 each.

This is a savings of $312 per year.

With a yearly subscription you get two Interactive Video Cases per month at $27.00 each.

This is a savings of $720 per year.

  • Additional Cases For Students with Subscriptions

Students with a subscription may purchase an additional case in any month for $25.00. If you want to take advantage of this option, please contact our Customer Service.

            With a yearly subscription you get one long or two short Multimedia Tutorials at $22 per month.

This package gives users who have access to a dial-up connection only the opportunity to participate in The Homeopathic Symposium programs.

Students and teachers who are in an affiliated study-group or accredited course of study may receive a 25% discount off the subscription package price of Multimedia Tutorials.

For assistance or questions about our subscription packages and to purchase a single or specific number of cases contact us at or 1 (503) 580-3885.

Continuing Education Credit:

  • Interactive Video Modules are each worth four (watching video only) to five (analysis & quiz) hours of continuing education credits.
  • Multimedia Tutorials receive credit hours that match the time of the tutorial, ie 1hour tutorial = 1ceu.

Expiration Date:

  • There is no expiration date on video or tutuorial credits. You can watch only the cases that interest you at any time.  The points in your account never expire, and you will continue to have access to your account at all times.

Note To Students and Schools:

If your school should later include HS cases in their tuition fees, any unused part of your direct subscription will be fully refunded.

To become an affiliate of HS, a school or study group must promote study with HS Interactive Video Cases and provide a current roster of students and teachers for verification purposes.

**Please note that for your convenience, subscriptions will be automatically renewed at the end of the year. To cancel your subscription at any time, call 1 (503) 580-3885.

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